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Want Purpose in your Life? Learn the 10 Rules of Ikigai

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Ikigai, meaning 'reason for being', integrates the pursuit of a purposeful life with daily joy and community contribution, but how should you integrate ikigai into your life?

Read on to learn the 10 rules of ikigai that can contribute to a greater sense of purpose in your life.

Want to find your own ikigai? Take our ikigai test to reveal your life purpose.

Key Takeaways

  • Ikigai is a Japanese concept that represents a person's reason for being and is associated with living a long and happy life.

  • The key elements of Ikigai emphasize a balanced lifestyle that includes finding your unique talent, staying active, taking life slowly, and appreciating the small joys.

  • Building strong social connections, maintaining physical health, and practicing gratitude are central to living according to Ikigai.

  • Ikigai encourages living in the moment, reconnecting with nature, and contributing to the community as pathways to fulfillment.

Understanding Ikigai: The Path to a Purposeful Life

1. Stay active; don’t retire

The key to a fulfilling life is to stay active and embrace each day with enthusiasm. Staying active isn't just about physical exercise; it's about engaging with life and continuing to contribute in meaningful ways.

2. Take it slow

In the pursuit of ikigai, it's essential to walk slowly towards your aspirations. This isn't about lethargy, but rather about making progress at a pace that allows you to savor each step and find new meaning in your daily activities.

3. Don’t fill your stomach

In the pursuit of a balanced life, hunger demands a certain respect. It's a signal, not of scarcity, but of sufficiency. Following the principles of Ikigai, one should aim to eat until they are only 80% full.

This practice, known as 'Hara Hachi Bu', is not just about eating less; it's about appreciating the food more and giving your body what it needs—no more, no less.

4. Surround yourself with good friends

The quest for a long and happy life is universal, and surrounding yourself with good friends is a cornerstone of this journey. Good friends not only provide companionship but also contribute significantly to our overall well-being. Spending time with friends can lead to a longer life, as numerous studies have shown the positive impact of strong interpersonal relationships on longevity.

5. Get in shape for your next birthday

As your next birthday approaches, consider it a milestone for personal growth and a healthier lifestyle. Start by setting realistic fitness goals that align with your core values, and break them down into manageable actions.

6. Smile

In the pursuit of a happy life, the Japanese secret of Ikigai emphasizes the importance of a positive attitude. A cheerful attitude can be a powerful tool for maintaining good mental health and fostering a sense of well-being. Here are a few simple steps to integrate this practice into your daily life:

7. Reconnect with nature

In the hustle of daily life, it's easy to feel disconnected from the natural world. Yet, making time to step outside and immerse yourself in nature can be a transformative experience. The fresh air flows fresh into your lungs and revitalizes your spirit, reminding you of the simple joy of being part of something larger than yourself.

8. Give thanks

In the journey of life, human beings have countless opportunities to feel lucky for the relationships and experiences that shape our existence. Gratitude is the best medicine for the soul, a kind of daily maintenance that keeps our spirits buoyant and our minds at peace. Sharing stories of gratitude with others not only uplifts our own hearts but also fosters a sense of community and mutual appreciation.

9. Live in the moment

Ikigai is not just about finding a fulfilling life; it's about embracing the beauty of the present moment. The Japanese word for ikigai compels us to leave urgency at the door and to focus on the here and now, fostering a more balanced life. By adopting certain lifestyle habits, we can nurture the passion inside us and enrich our life with deeper meaning.

Embracing the Japanese term 'Mono No Aware', the awareness of impermanence, can transform our own life. It teaches us to appreciate the fleeting beauty of each moment and to find life meaning in the simplest of experiences.

10. Follow your ikigai

It's essential to recognize that at the very end, ikigai is a personal journey.

Everyone has their own unique ikigai.

It's about discovering and following your unique path that brings satisfaction and meaning to your life. The rules of ikigai are not just guidelines but stepping stones to help you uncover your own ikigai - the Japanese secret to a joyful and long life.

When you align your passions, skills, and values, you create a synergy that propels you towards your ikigai. This alignment is where you find the flow, the state of being so immersed in an activity that time seems to stand still. It's in these moments that you are truly following your ikigai.

Finding your ikigai is akin to a quest for harmony in life's various facets. It's a blend of what you love, what you're good at, and what you find meaningful. By embracing this quest, you contribute not just to your own well-being but also to the well-being of your community.


Embracing the 10 rules of Ikigai is more than just a guide to longevity; it's a philosophy for a fulfilling life.

These rules encourage us to stay active, take life at a measured pace, and appreciate the joy in the little things. They remind us to nurture friendships, maintain our health, and smile through life's journey.

By reconnecting with nature, giving thanks, and living in the moment, we align ourselves with the essence of Ikigai.

Ultimately, following our Ikigai means leveraging our life's experiences and passions to contribute to our community and find our unique purpose. As we integrate these principles into our daily lives, we not only enhance our well-being but also enrich the lives of those around us, creating a ripple effect of positivity and purpose.